Another great day on the bike. The RAAM qualifier dream remains alive.
Thanks for your comments on the blog and the emails. Your encouragement is appreciated.
Today's word is wind. Harold Trease assured everyone that the prevailing winds are out of the West in this area. But there were some vivid memories, shared in our group, of specific days when this was not the case. Today the winds where in our favor much more than they were against us. What was cool was the way the wind would shift as we went over and through the mountians. Sometimes within a mile or so we would go from a raging cross wind to nothing. Late in the day the flags were flying horizontally right into our faces.
During the worst of the winds I had great company today. Charlie Combs and I traded pulls in a powerfull cross wind and late in the day Dan Fuoco and I rode straight into what could have become a demoralizing headwind.
Tomorrow we have the flattest ride of the tour.
Wow! Another great day for PAC Elite. Keep it up...
Hi George, I am really enjoying reading your blog every day about the PAC Elite Tour, keep up the good work and the great pictures! Mike
Tails winds are great!!! Until George hears about Landis incredible day in the tour (and you have to go much faster) or an SUV pulls out in fron of you. George, you know what I mean don't you!! ivan
Sounds like it really was a good day. Enjoyed the pictures, especially the one of the monument. What a thing to ponder as you plod along. Hope you wernt "probed" in your sleep last night, Roswell, go figure. As you are now in Texas, I had to ponder the line from some old movie I saw. If some redneck, scoal chewing, bowlegged cowboy happens along & says "Theres only 2 things from Texas, steers, & queers which are you" all I can say is pull up your tights, & pedal faster! Well anyway hope it was a good day, look forward to the next entry! Keep out of the van man!
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